The new ecoBÖXLE
We are going one step further. Our Böxle, the famous mini container for sample shipment, is now also environmental friendly and called ecoBÖXLE.

Virtual codes instead of printed labels for TubeSeq, PlateSeq and NGS
For our Sanger Sequencing services, labels and barcodes are often used to label samples.
Our product innovation aiming at reducingCO2 production allows us to reduce the amount of printed labels and barcodes for our TubeSeq, PlateSeq and NGS services.
Our new Coupons, virtual codes, are now used instead of labels and barcodes to pay for additional TubeSeq, PlateSeq or NGS reactions.
CO2 reduction and less waste:
- The virtual codes are generated with one click in our webshop.
- No printing or shipping of labels and delivery notes.