The DNA Universe Webinar Library
A collection of recorded webinars on genomics solutions for a wide range of applications in biology, biotech and pharma.
Genomic Profiling
Better than exomes
Better than panels. What are the relative genomic aberrations in tumours? Analyse virtually all cancer-associated genes with one solution.
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation
Last chance to start working on your compliance
The IVDR will replace the EU’s directive on in vitro diagnostic medical devices by 26th May 2022. Learn about the important requirements and how to implement them.

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”
– Albert Einstein
How to keep your staff and customers safer
Learn about proactive solutions to ensure business continuity and the safety of staff and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next generation of meat traceability
Trace Your Premium Meat Products with Eurofins Genomics DNA SourceTracker.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss
CannSNP90 Assay For
Hemp Breeding

For hemp and medicinal cannabis
Learn about cannabis genetics and genomics, how the CannSNP90 assay can support your hemp breeding.
RNA Extraction
All You Need To Know

Optimise your RNA extraction process in the lab
What steps are most important during RNA extraction? How can you increase RNA yield and decrease RNA fragmentation? Learn more.

“In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.”
– Charles Darwin
Sanger Sequencing –
All You Need To Know To Get The Best Results

From Biomarker
Discovery To
Biomarker Validation

Does your research depend on the correct verification
of plasmid sequences, inserts, mutations, and sequencing of variable regions via Sanger sequencing? Learn optimal sample preparation for precise results.
Topics of the webinar are
Whole genome biomarker discovery & focused methods, RNA marker discovery strategies, biomarker validation & best practices and technologies for research and clinical trials

“In natural science the principles of truth ought to be confirmed by observation.”
-Carl Linnaeus
Induced Mutations And Tilling In The Era Of Genome Editing

How are induced mutations
and precision gene editing used to improve crop breeding and production? Find out in this webinar.

“I suspect that some people also dislike the idea that natural selection has no foresight. The process itself, in effect, does not know where to go. It is the “environment” that provides the direction, and over the long run its effects are largely unpredicatable in detail.”
– Francis Crick