The training as technical assistant at Eurofins Genomics gives our trainees hands-on experience on a broad rage of platforms and machines that are used in the field of genomics.
Two of these platforms are Illumina’s NovaSeq 6000 and Oxford Nanopore’s Nanopore GridION. Both next generation sequencing (NGS) devices excel in sequencing output, accuracy and quality, and are preferred for high-throughput sequencing. The Eurofins Genomics NGS facility is located in Constance at Lake Constance in Germany, and a group of this year’s trainees from the Eurofins Genomics DNA campus in Ebersberg, Germany, went on a field trip to gain hands-on experience on NGS.

The next generation sequencing lab in Constance, Germany
“It was a difficult start”, says Birgit Schmilas, Sen. Technical Assistant and training supervisor at Eurofins Genomics, as she sustained an injury shortly before the trip that made it impossible for her to use the train to go to Constance. “The company management, however, ensured a successful start by providing a company car in a very uncomplicated manner. One of the trainees took the wheels and we took off on our trip to Constance.”
“In Constance we received a very friendly welcome. The first day was filled with lectures on the next generation sequencing principles and processes”, Birgit continues. “In the evening, we explored Constance’s old town, culminating in a joint dinner at Lake Constance.”

Getting hands-on next generation sequencing experience
“The next day, the NGS lab staff gave us a tour of the NGS lab, explained in detail the practical implementation of the NGS process, from sample reception, preparation and sequencing to data analysis, and answered questions about the equipment.”
“The trainees had already received some training on the different NGS principles and were familiar with some of the equipment and methods for sample preparation. The comprehensive practical training that day helped them to internalise the acquired knowledge and information”, says Birgit.
“On our way back home, it was interesting to hear the trainees talk about the lab and the NGS methods and applications. It is a highly interesting topic that shows the sophistication of the methods used for DNA and RNA sequencing.”
At Eurofins Genomics, we are committed to creating an environment that encourages, inspires and supports our employees. Especially out trainees are regarded as young people in whom we should invest.

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By Birgit Schmilas
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